Importance of Education

22.03.22 03:26 PM By VKGI Marketing

The Importance of Educating a Girl Child

​ “When women are educated, their countries become stronger and more prosperous.” Michelle Obama

Education can be considered the soul of a human being. We need to educate girls and empower them to compete on a global platform and make sure they are not under-represented.  The internet has globalized education, and many people from different countries can discuss and share their knowledge. 

Why is education important for girls?

National Centre for Excellence - importance of girls education

  • The importance of educating a girl child is a well-discussed topic. We all know it is a significant step to take a girl child to a school and a splendid gift to give her the gift of education.

  • I mean, many people argue, it does not matter if a girl gets educated or not. Some argue that it is okay for girls to be uneducated as long as she is married into a nice family and has kids.

  • But the question is, why should she be uneducated? Why should she not come out of her shell and develop her potential? Why should she be stuck in the same place for years, not knowing anything about the world around her? Why should she accept mediocrity?

  • There are many reasons it is important to educate a girl's child. The most important reason is that education reduces the number of girl child marriages.

  • Girls are often married off at an early age, which is not only unfair but also most often leads to the death of a girl-child. A girl child who is given an education is more likely to see that she can be independent and be the head of the household. However, the most important part of educating the girl child is ensuring that she receives an excellent education.

  • A good education not only equips her with the tools she needs to be an independent woman, but also gives her the ability to make the right decisions for herself. A girl who is educated is also less likely to be tricked into relationships that are not beneficial for her, which is a big problem in India; the number of girls who are kidnapped and forced into marriage is very high.

 What does education help girls to achieve?

National Centre for Excellence - Achievement of girls

We all know that education is one of the basic requirements of a girl child and can help her lead a better and more confident life. But why is it so important to educate a girl child? We all know that a girl is not only a future bride but an investment for the family. 

  • And if we talk about the present economy and the job market, we can see how it helps a girl to get an education and find a wonderful career and a suitable life partner. If we talk about the education of a girl child, we can see that it is more important for an Indian girl because the only way to get a better life is to get a job and get a good husband.

  •  If we educate our girls and make them independent, we can see how it helps them to become self-dependent and self-confident women.

  • One of the biggest problems facing the developing world is the lack of female education. Many countries, especially in Africa, have extremely low literacy rates among women. For example, in Niger, only 3% of women can read and write, and in Chad, the number is only 2%. 

  • This means that girls are growing up unable to read, write, or even count, and it is holding their families and communities back. Whether you feel this is an important topic, one thing is for sure, educating girls is one of the most effective ways to fight poverty.

What challenges do girls face that education can help with?

National Centre for Excellence - challenges of girls education

  • As a society, we have been brought up to believe that a male child is the breadwinner of the family and a girl child is just a burden. This is because of the way society is biased towards educated women. Women have been given a lot of responsibilities but none of the credit.

  •  A woman is a mother, a daughter, a sister, a wife, a friend, and a colleague, all but is never recognized as an individual.

  • In India, women are still not treated equally for education. Girls are often asked to stay at home and take care of their younger siblings or parents while boys are sent to school. This is one major reason India has such a low literacy rate for women. According to a report by the United Nations, out of the 774 million illiterate adults in the world, 586 million are women.

Another study conducted by the World Bank and UNESCO shows that globally, 17% of girls of 15-16 years of age and 21% of boys of the same age are not enrolled in secondary education. The numbers are even worse in India, where over 20% of girls of the same age are out of school. Let us consider gender equality a global priority and work towards that on a war footing.

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