Reasons why you should learn coding

07.04.22 02:20 PM By VKGI Marketing

Is it worthwhile to learn coding in 2022?

National Centre for Excellence - Learn Coding and Programming

In this world, everything is going digital. If you want to survive in this digital world, you have to learn how to code. From basic operations to advanced app development, coding is going to help you a lot. If you are planning to learn coding in 2022, here are a few reasons why you should.

Why you should learn how to code in 2022?

National Centre for Excellence - Learn how to code

  • My answer to why you should learn how to code in 2022 is to prevent yourself from being left out. As technology advances and more people get into the game, coding will be a skill that will be required for nearly every job position in the future.

  • Some positions, such as software developers and computer engineers, will require at least a basic understanding of coding. Even a marketing manager will need basic knowledge of how to use and create software to run their digital marketing campaigns.

  • To succeed in the future, you must be able to keep up with the times and know how to code. As you know, technology is taking over the world. If you do not learn how to code, you are going to be left behind.

  • I believe this is a hugely important skill to master. As the world progresses towards a more technical future, the importance of being able to code has never been so important.

  • You can make your own online store, build a career in IT, or even just be able to fix a few problems on your computer. It will open your eyes to all the possibilities out there, and take your mind beyond the reality that you are stuck in. Coding is a very important skill and should be an essential part of any young person’s education.

Will coding be useful in career prospects?

National Centre for Excellence - Coding career prospects

  • Definitely yes. I think coding will be required and useful in the future because almost everything will be online. If you know how to code then you have a higher chance of getting a job. Most of the job is online. 

  • A lot of programmers who worked online and have good incomes. You can also check a website where you can find a lot of good jobs.

  • The development of technology has always been driven by coding. Today, computer codes help to make websites work, personal computers function and even facilitate self-driving cars. While it is true that programming skills are not the foundation of college education.

  • Many people benefit from learning to code. It can be used to solve everyday problems and can be a useful skill to have. Plus, coding has never been more popular due to the surging demand for software engineers. Learn how to read code, and start incorporating computer programming into your life early on.

Does coding make you a future-fit?

National Centre for Excellence - coding for future fit
  • If you learn how to code, you will be able to build your website. You can express your thoughts in the way you want, without having to ask someone to do it for you. You will also be able to build your programs, mobile apps, and a lot of other things.

  • Learning how to code is not hard. If you know how to use your computer, then you can learn how to code. Learn to code and you will be able to pursue a career in multiple domains.

  • Learning to code is like learning a new language. It will expand your understanding of the world and make different aspects of our lives easier to grasp. If you have a deep understanding of how things work, you can create things that can make your life easier.

  • Once you've learned to code, you'll be able to write programs to organize, analyze and process data to unlock insights. You'll also be able to use computers to control objects in the physical world. The creative possibilities are endless and limited only by your imagination.


Learning to code will improve your analytical, problem solving, and critical thinking skills and make you a better thinker and decision-maker. It will help you manage and choose the right tools and technologies. It will expand your problem-solving ability to areas you haven’t even considered. Coding is a basic skill that everyone should have. It’s like the foundation of the 21st century. 

VKGI Marketing